llmfan 2 days ago


Your website lived up to the title's promise, congrats.

  • llmfan 2 days ago


    - You can't CTRL-Z back to before you clicked the "save" button

    - I couldn't figure out how to do links properly within a table

stevekemp 3 days ago

Looks like you need to filter out <script>alert.., and similar XSS from the input.

  • breck 3 days ago


    • stevekemp 3 days ago

      Because otherwise visitors can be redirected / etc.

      e.g. http://sand.scroll.pub/xss

      • breck 3 days ago

        That's fine. It's designed as a sandbox. I think people are good almost all of the time. And when they're not, that's why there are laws.

        • fragmede 2 days ago

          Not really. Do you really have the time and money and motivation to go find a lawyer and pursue a CFAA case against someone who might be using a VPN and be from a country where the CFAA doesn't apply? Since you're trying to sell folders on https://wws.scroll.pub/, I presume there's some sort of password protection on those, as opposed to the open instance linked. People paying $100 aren't going to like their passwords being stolen and their folder used for spam/ads/malware and nor will you.

          • breck a day ago

            > I presume there's some sort of password protection on those, as opposed to the open instance linked.

            No, the WWS is serverless.

            • fragmede 14 hours ago

              Say I pay the $100 asked for. I am getting a folder that I get exclusive access to update? Someone else shouldn't be able to go in and change the content? I didn't read very closely so I presume I'm getting the point of that $100 clearly. How does that folder protection work excactly?

              • breck 10 hours ago

                Great questions.

                For the $100, you get the rights for 10 years to update some lines in the `wws.scroll` file (which is actually currently named `readme.scroll`).

                Think of that file like our DNS root zone file.

                That's it. We don't provide hosting of your content, just the listing.

                (Well, we do provide free hosting here: http://hub.scroll.pub/, but that's still quite beta)

                So it's similar to buying a domain name. (It is slightly different in that if you buy a folder and want to later rename it, you can, unlike domain names, where you'd have to buy another domain).

                Here is an example entry:

                    id pldb
                    www https://pldb.io
                    source https://github.com/breck7/pldb
                    snippets blog/All
                    owner Breck Yunits
                     email breck7@gmail.com
                    registered 6/12/2024
                    expires 6/12/2034
                    rep Breck Yunits
                    transactionId pm_1PQxCOJktJxKl0r5l24p6Zwu
                Once you make a purchase, a "Rep" will reach out to you (currently I am the only rep), to get the meta data you want to add. Or you could add it via pull request (https://github.com/breck7/wws/blob/main/readme.scroll). In the future, we will have more "Reps", who will get ~50% of the $100, and be responsible for helping onboard users, approving meta data updates, and ensuring folders comply with the guidelines (https://wws.scroll.pub/gettingStarted.html).

                When your site is part of the WWS, users of the wws can "subscribe" to your site by simply typing "wws fetch [yourFolderName]". That will download the latest compiled version of your site over git. When the user types "wws fetch", it updates all of the sites they subscribe to.

                So the idea is by adding your site to the WWS, you help contribute to our mission of providing every human with their own copy of humanity's best information, and you give your readers the best possible reading experience.