Can't access my Google account, but scammers can

18 points by SilentThunder a day ago

About 15 years ago I created a secondary Gmail account. Have been using it to sign up for stuff like Facebook. It was configured with "Forward and keep a copy", it's important.

Later I also used it to sign up for more sensitive stuff like medical labs and PayPal.

A year or so ago I realized that I don't have the password written down anywhere and I have no idea which recovery email address I used. There was no way for me access this account.

No problem: I just changed email addresses wherever I could remember.

A month or so ago I started receiving notifications like "Confirm your Facebook login" sent to this inaccessible address. Someone is actively going through accounts tied to this email address.

These people now see my physical mailing address, name, medical test results, etc. Yes, I screwed up, but this is not the point.

I have no problem with losing this account. In fact, I would be ecstatic if if were deleted.

What I DO have a problem with is that a non-I has access to it while I don't.

As you know, Google and customer care don't live in the same universe. What options do you think I have?

Thank you.

qingcharles 19 hours ago

I've got a gmail. I have the username, password and recovery address. All the email is forwarded to me at the recovery address. I can't get in because I lost the phone number and they enabled 2FA on it without warning. I've been trying for about three years to get into it. I've talked to lots of people at Google who's numbers I tracked down. Still no joy.

Might be able to find someone inside Google for $$ at to get into it I suspect.

  • bcrl 12 hours ago

    You can't fire free.

red369 a day ago

These don't feel like good ideas, but I'll throw them out until someone comes along with something better.

A lot of countries have a government website where you can report online fraud, e.g. . Perhaps they will have a step where they contact Google and the account gets locked to require further authentication?

Perhaps you could try logging in from a lot of different IP addresses, e.g. through a VPN, and Google might lock the account to the stage which a lot of people inadvertently reach, where a 2nd authentication factor is needed, such as a previously used device or SMS.

Edit: I assume you have tried to contact Google anyway?

  • fady0 a day ago

    The only way to talk to anyone at Google is to be friends with Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

    I lost my Gmail account five years ago, and I still do not have access to it.

    • red369 a day ago

      Thanks - I hadn't realised there isn't even some minimal form you can submit and get generic responses on. I just tested the recovery process (

      If you don't have enough information for them to reset, Google just provide links to instructions to not be locked out in future, and to create a new account.

      • fady0 6 hours ago

        The problem is I have the phone number, recovery keys and recovery email, I can provide more info if needed, this is not enough for Google to return my Gmail.

        Right now I am using mail that is on my domian name, so I can back up my stuff and go at any time.

vednig a day ago

There isn't one good solution here.

Best bet is to contact customer support hoping you can verify your account with metadata like DOB etc.

If you still have access to the account on (any) device you might be able to change your password from browser.

Alternatively, you can also do the account deletion from your logged in state from (any) logged-in device.

oneoverten 21 hours ago

Unless you have any of the recovery options (phone, other email, etc), it is pretty much like asking for access to a random Gmail account.

  • qingcharles 19 hours ago

    I have the username/password/recovery email. It's still not enough.

moi2388 18 hours ago

If you are in the EU, force them to remove you under the GDPR and “right to be forgotten”.

If not, I don’t think you have any options whatsoever